As Christians, we recognize that our gifts of talents and skills are meant to be cultivated and shared with others, beginning with our family and friends, with those whom we gather to share the Eucharist, and with the world. The gift of ourselves blesses the particular community of Christians we are involved with and blesses those whom our parish hopes to touch.
Christ has called us to use our gifts “to love and serve the Lord”. Sharing our God-given gifts by actively participating in the life of our parish is an expression of stewardship. Christians contribute their talents in whatever way they can. A commitment to stewardship motivates us to use our gifts to serve our community of faith.
There are many areas at our parish that would appreciate your help. Please look over the available ministries below to see where you can serve your parish. If you are ready to make the commitment now, please complete the ministry form available by clicking here.
If you have any questions about the ministries please contact the parish office: [email protected] or 248-623-0274.
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