The preparation for Confirmation is a comprehensive two year program which meets weekly between September and May, typically beginning in the 7th grade. The purpose of the first year of formation is to make sure that the student is firmly grounded in their faith and truly desires the sacrament. In addition to the classroom lessons, during the second year of formation, the candidates will need to take part in a Confirmation specific retreat, complete 10 hours of Christian service designed to build up the community, write a report specific to their chosen Confirmation saint as well as a letter to the pastor requesting Confirmation. The goal of this formation is to teach us how to live as a fully initiated Catholic Christian who has discerned fully the responsibilities that Confirmation confers upon us. The Rite of Confirmation is celebrated during the spring of the 8th grade year, however there are always students who are older that join us for this process.
Please contact us at [email protected]
or call 248-623-0291 for more information.